Keynotes HPCS2019

The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation

(HPCS 2019)

The 17th Annual Meeting

July 15 – 19, 2019

Dublin, Ireland or

Technically Sponsored by IEEE, IEEE UK & Ireland Section


Tuesday Keynote I: System and Application Performance Modeling and Simulation

in the AI Era

Adolfy Hoisie

Chair of Computing for National Security Department

Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA

NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming)

Tuesday Keynote II: New Frontiers in Cloud and Edge/Fog Computing for Big Data

& Internet-of-Things Applications

Rajkumar Buyya

Director, Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab,

The University of Melbourne, Australia and CEO, Manjrasoft Pvt Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming)

Wednesday Keynote: Performance at Scale: Scheduling Matters

Yves Robert

Laboratoire d'Informatique Parallèle (Lyon), Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France &

University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming)

Thursday Keynote: The Path to Portable and Malleable HPC Applications

Paul M. Carpenter

Computer Sciences - Microserver architectures and system software

Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

NOTES (See file below. Forthcoming)